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Tainui School is situated on Dunedin’s south coast in close proximity to the beaches of St Kilda, St Clair and Tomahawk, and the beautiful scenery and wildlife of the Otago Peninsula.
It has been providing a high quality Year 1 to Year 6 learning environment for the community since 1929.
Our vision exemplifies that we are a caring community where everyone learns and flourishes.
We warmly welcome your interest and invite you to discover more about the education we provide.
Choir gatherings will resume next term.
If your child wishes to register for a Futsal team, registration must be completed by 5pm today, please.
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Queries to nicolecollingwood@tainui.school.nz
Excitement is building as we prepare for today’s performances!
Rehutai Timu Y0-Y3 perform at 2:24 (+ or - 20 minutes).
Rehutai Pari Y4-Y6 perform at 2:48 (+ or - 20 minutes).
Buses are likely to arrive back at school at 3:15 or slightly later. Children must go to the hall to collect their belongings before going home.
Parents who wish to take their tamariki from the Edgar Centre at the end of our two performances, MUST check in with one of our kaiako first. These parents will need to collect their children’s clothing and school bags from our school hall after this.
Kā mihi nui
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